【earth】太平洋島國設國家公園 將成世界最大的保護區
法屬新喀裡多尼亞(New Caledonia)通過新法案,劃設太平洋上一塊廣大未經開發的水域為「珊瑚海國家公園」,將成為全世界最大的保護區。
保育國際(Conservation International)是總部位於維吉尼亞州的非營利組織,在新喀裡多尼亞深耕超過12年,致力於開發和執行當地土地與海洋保育「整合、永續的解決方案」。
新喀裡多尼亞(New Caledonia)四周的潟湖和珊瑚礁。(來源:維基百科)
New Caledonia Creates World’s Largest Protected Area
NOUMEA, New Caledonia, May 13, 2014 (ENS)
A vast expanse of pristine Pacific Ocean is now the world’s largest protected area under a new law passed by the government of New Caledonia creating the Natural Park of the Coral Sea.
Located 2,000 miles east of Australia in the Pacific Ocean, the Natural Park of the Coral Sea covers all of the French territory’s marine waters, extending 12 to 200 nautical miles from its coasts.
The decree creates a multi-use, marine protected area which extends across 1.3 million square kilometers, an area three times the size of Germany, making it the largest protected area in the world.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature, IUCN, says the new park includes more than 4,500 square kilometers of fishery-supporting coral reefs.
Twenty-five species of marine mammals, 48 shark species, and five species of marine turtles swim through these newly protected waters and the park also shelters 19 species of nesting birds.
New Caledonia is the world’s only stand-alone Biodiversity Hotspot, and its coastal waters hold the world’s largest lagoon, which has earned the territory UNESCO World Heritage Site status.
In the next phase of development, the levels of protection will be defined so that the Natural Park of the Coral Sea will become a multiple use area with different zones for economic activity and conservation.
The park’s ecosystems generate up to 3,000 tons of fish each year, providing food to New Caledonia’s quarter of a million people and an economic driver for the territory’s sustainable economy.
The Virginia-based nonprofit Conservation International has had a presence in New Caledonia for more than 12 years, working to develop and implement what the organization calls “integrated, sustainable solutions” on land and at sea.
Over the next three years, Conservation International experts in New Caledonia and the region will help the government shape the park’s spatial planning and management plan, fund key scientific research to inform that plan, and integrate New Caledonia’s contributions within the Pacific Oceanscape and Big Ocean Network.
※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS
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