部長們在會議中簽署的《基努那宣言》(Kiruna Declaration)中也提到,「我們必須了解到,全球溫室氣體的排放導致氣候和北極地區的物理環境產生劇烈變化,也在全球社會、生態系統產生了廣泛的影響。」協議中也再次重申「增加國際和全球行動以減輕並適應氣候變遷的必要性‧‧‧」
Arctic Council Prioritizes Sustainable Development, Climate Action
KIRUNA, Sweden, May 16, 2013 (ENS)
Ministers from the eight Arctic states and representatives of the Arctic Indigenous Peoples Wednesday adopted a shared vision statement for the future development of the region as a "zone of peace and stability."
"The economic potential of the Arctic is enormous and its sustainable development is key to the region's resilience and prosperity," states the "Vision for the Arctic."
"We are concerned with the growing effects of climate change, and the local and global impacts of large-scale melting of the Arctic snow, ice and permafrost. We will continue to take action to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived climate pollutants, and support action that enables adaptation," says the vision statement.
Canada now takes the helm. "Canada is honored to assume the Chairmanship of the Council," said Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Conservative MP for the Arctic territory of Nunavut and Canada's Minister of Health. "The theme for Canada's Chairmanship is Development for the People of the North," with sub-themes of sustainable Arctic communities, responsible resource extraction, and safe Arctic shipping.
During the Canadian Chairmanship, the Arctic Council program will include the establishment of a Circumpolar Business Forum to provide new opportunities for business to engage with the Council; continued work on oil pollution prevention; and action to address short-lived climate pollutants such as black carbon and methane.
Arctic Council States signed a new, legally-binding Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic. The agreement provides a framework for cooperation in the event of an emergency to improve procedures for combating oil spills in the Arctic.
The Kiruna Declaration, which the ministers also signed at the meeting, expresses "concern that global emissions of greenhouse gases are resulting in rapid changes in the climate and physical environment of the Arctic with widespread effects for societies and ecosystems and repercussions around the world," and reiterates "the urgent need for increased national and global actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change…"
The Arctic Council includes: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States. Six international organizations representing Arctic Indigenous Peoples have permanent participant status.
※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS