釋出就業機會 歐巴馬成立21世紀保育服務團
「21世紀保育服務團」委員會簡稱21CSC,是歐巴馬總統2010年促成「美國大戶外倡議」(America’s Great Outdoors Initiative)以來首個實踐計畫。
白宮環境品質委員會主席蘇特麗(Nancy Sutley)解釋,「總統的美國大戶外倡議是為了讓國人能就近享有國家優質自然資源所帶來的休閒、經濟和健康益處。21CSC提供年輕人的休閒、生涯規劃、以及回饋社區和國家的服務機會,藉此培育新一代的領導者。」
內政部長沙拉薩(Ken Salazar)表示,21CSC是效法1930年代經濟大蕭條時期,羅斯福為了促進就業而組成的「公民保育團」(Civilian Conservation Corps),「這是建立在羅斯福總統創辦公民保育團的基礎之上,21CSC所建立、培訓的工作隊伍將來自各色各樣的美國人民,一方面創造下一世代的環境管理人,同時也改善公有地的條件。」
農業部長威薩克(Tom Vilsack)指出,「21CSC整合了聯邦大家庭和合作機構的資源,將能成功執行重要的環境復育工作,同時提供多元青少年更多工作與職訓機會、擴展青年的教育機會、營造有意義的生涯選擇──並且把青年和戶外聯繫起來。」
陸軍部負責督導工兵署的土木工程副部長達西(Ellen Darcy)表示,「聯邦陸地與水域的狀況,攸關國人健康與福祉,21CSC能夠擴展工兵署保育這些區域的能量,讓年輕人與退伍軍人從事有意義的工作,接觸戶外,並受到教育。」
勞工部長索利斯(Hilda Solis)認為,「這是有效運用政府資源的絕佳合作案例,勞工部會和其他單位合作,提供年輕人、特別在是政府機能不足的社區裡的青年,更多不同的就業與職訓機會,為他們的全人生涯奠定基礎。」更多相關資訊參見 https://youthgo.gov , https://youthgo.gov/jobs 則詳列工作機會。
環保署長潔克森(Lisa Jackson)指出,「21CSC不只是部門合作的好案例,合作對象不只是聯邦機構,含有許多公私部門,也是帶來經濟、環境與健康效益的典範計畫,更是為了特別需要此計畫的族群量身打造:青年和歸國英雄。」他表示,「美國擁有全世界最棒的戶外空間,21CSC不只能促進年輕人感受與這些空間的連結,更確保這些珍貴資產能好好保存給下一代。」
National Council to Build 21st Century Conservation Corps
WASHINGTON, DC, January 11, 2013 (ENS)
A National Council drawn from eight federal agencies signed on Thursday to shape the Obama Administration’s new 21st Century Conservation Service Corps, 21CSC, a jobs program to put youth and returning veterans to work protecting and restoring public lands, waterways and cultural sites.
The 21CSC implements the first recommendation of the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative introduced by President Barack Obama in 2010.
Nancy Sutley, who chairs the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said, “The President’s America’s Great Outdoors Initiative is helping to connect Americans from all backgrounds with the recreational, economic and health benefits of our nation’s extraordinary natural resources.”
“The 21st Century Conservation Service Corps will help prepare the leaders of the future by providing youth with valuable opportunities for recreation, career development and service to their community and their nation,” Sutley said.
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said 21CSC follows the example set by the Civilian Conservation Corps created by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to put Americans to work during the 1930s.
“Building on the legacy of President Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression in the 1930s, the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps will help build and train a workforce who fully represent the diversity of America while creating the next generation of environmental stewards and improving the condition of our public lands,” Salazar said.
The 21CSC builds on existing partnerships with youth conservation corps across the country to engage thousands of young Americans – including diverse low-income, underserved and at-risk youth – in hands-on service and job training experiences on public lands and community green spaces.
The National Council will stimulate “existing and new public-private partnerships” and “align the investment of current federal government resources,” the agency leaders said in a statement announcing establishment of the council.
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said, “By coordinating resources across the federal family and working with partners, the 21CSC will accomplish important restoration work, provide more job and training opportunities to a diverse group of young Americans, expand educational opportunities for youth, and create meaningful pathways to careers – all while reconnecting America’s youth with the great outdoors.”
The National Council will consist of members of the senior leadership of each agency, bureau or office that signed the Memorandum of Understanding Thursday: the departments of the Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, and Labor, as well as the EPA, the President’s Council on Environmental Quality, the Corporation for National and Community Service, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
“Our federal lands and waters are vital to the health and well-being of Americans,” said Jo Ellen Darcy, assistant secretary of the Army (Civil Works), who oversees the Corps of Engineers. “The 21CSC will expand the Corps’ capacities to conserve and maintain these areas, and provide youth and veterans with meaningful work, education and exposure to the outdoors.”
Goals of the 21CSC include reducing the impacts of climate change on our natural resources, empowering Native American communities, building trails, enhancing wildlife habitat, and improving and restoring cultural and historic landmarks.
21CSC has already begun to work, under the leadership of the departments of interior and agriculture with the participation of the U.S. EPA.
Youth members helped run shelters and restore parks and beaches in New York City after Hurricane Sandy. Youth and veterans are building trails and leading interpretation programs in remote national parks, forests and coastal areas.
“This is a great example of how innovative partnerships are utilizing government resources more efficiently and effectively,” said Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis. “The Labor Department is committed to working with our partners to provide young people – especially those from underserved communities – with exposure to a wide variety of in-demand jobs and valuable training opportunities that can form the foundation of lifelong careers.”
More information about 21CSC is at: https://youthgo.gov/
Jobs with 21CSC are listed at: https://youthgo.gov/jobs
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said, “The 21CSC program is a great example of how collaboration – not only across federal agencies, but also among others in the private and public sectors – can bring about economic, environmental and health benefits for those who need it the most: our youth and our returning heroes.”
“America is home to some of the most beautiful outdoor spaces in the world,” said Jackson. “The 21CSC will not only help our young people feel more of a connection to those spaces, but it will also ensure our treasured outdoors are preserved for generations to come.”
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